INstytut Logistyki i Magazynowania

The Institute of Logistics and Warehousing is widely acknowledged as Poland’s centre of competence in logistics and a strategic partner of GS1 Poland.
It is an interdisciplinary, state-owned R&D unit where logistics is perceived as both a subject of research as well as the field of practical application. The Institute’s main areas of competence embrace logistics including optimisation and designing of logistics processes, transport systems, distribution networks, hubs and warehouses, etc. Moreover, it develops solutions in the field of Internet of Things digitalising supply chains and introducing EPC/RFID technology in variety of implementations. It also introduces GS1 communication and identification standards in different sectors (health, food, transport) and for different use.

The Institute has been involved in above 50 European research projects (as Coordinator, WP Leader, or Partner) in Framework Programmes, CIP – ICT PSP, CEF, Era-Net and Interreg as well as EC tenders.