Presentations | Documents

2020Polypharmacy from a clinical perspective UNICOM partner Prof. Dr. R. Vander Stichele, Clinical pharmacologist at Ghent University, Belgium/ Senior Research Coordinator at I~HD, explains Polypharmacy concepts from a clinical perspective in the Horizon 2020 project C3-Cloud Webinar on 28 August 2020PDF File
2020White Paper written by nine SDOs, including CDISC, CEN, DICOM, GS1, HL7, IHE, ISO, LOINC and SNOMED International forming the Joint Initiative Council.Highlights from the JIC white paper include four standards-based initiatives that offer practical solutions to real-world problems. These initiatives include the International Patient Summary (IPS), the Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP), COVID-19 and Genomics. The Joint Initiative Council’s SDOs work collaboratively to provide global, coordinated—not competitive—standards that address real-world healthcare issues.
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2020Presentation of UNICOM at SNOMED virtual expo-October 2020 - by Robert Stegmee and Jane MillarThe presentation describes the global problems tackled by UNICOM focusing more specifically on the relationship between IDMP and related terminologies. It explores also the role of SNOMED CT in this and informs about the ressources available to engage with the project.PDF File
2020Initial Gap Analysis on Standards Development -Presentation at HL7 International Work Group Biomedical Research & Regulation (BR&R) September 2020Those 4 slides briefly summarize the identified gaps in WP1 for the HL7 WG audiencePDF File
2020Keynote lecture by Prof. K. A. Stroetmann "Global patient safety through semantic interoperability - the univocal identification of medicinal productsPresentation made at a virtual evnet organized by the Tallinn Health Care College (THCC), Estonia in October 2020 on the theme: "Public Health & Healthcare in the Move — Opportunities and Challenges in Research, Practice and PolicyPDF File
2020Commentary written by some UNICOM participants published in the review VaccineCommentary published in the open source journal Vaccine on December 5 2020. The authors detail the actions needed to ensure we can track and trace the global use of COVID-19 vaccines.
PDF File
2020Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe (Communication from the EU Commission)the Commission proposes a new pharmaceutical strategy for Europe. It is a patient-centred strategy that aims to ensure the quality and safety of medicines, while boosting the sector’s global competitiveness. PDF File
2021EHTEL factsheet: Towards a European Data Space for MedicinesThis factsheet explains why the concept of European Health Data Spaces is particularly relevant for medicinal products with a focus on pharmacovigilance. It also analyses what has already been done by Member States in this field, with Belgium as an example, and considers the necessary next steps.
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2021Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Traceability - Article published in the volume 21 of the review by several UNICOM WP leaders.After the article published in Vaccine highlighted the need for global monitoring of vaccine use, has asked the authors about the challenges of implementing such system in practice and possible measures to minimise the accompanying risks.PDF File
2021UNICOM curent status - Presentation for the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme (IPRP) on the 24th of FebruaryThis slides set presnet to a wide community of regulators on all continents the objectives, opportunities of exchange and expected results o UNICOM. It inists in particular on the standards gap analysis, the logical model and the Products Pilot List.PDF File
2021Use of EDQM to produce PhPID - Presentation at WG6 Pharmacy ISO/CEN on June 2 2021Results of an analysis of the terminology of dose forms of
the European Directorate for Quality in Medicines (EDQM) Standardized Terms for Dose Form to determine the (administrable) dose form for the production of the Pharmaceutical Product Identification (PHPID)
PDF File
2021IDMP in Europe What does it mean for you?I Presentation at the IHE Europe Experience Sessions on June 15.WP1 provides a global overview of the high level processes at stake while focusing on the most prominent 5 clincial impacts.PDF File
2021Update on UNICOM progresses: 2nd eHMSEG Communities Meeting
on May 27
The presentation provides an update (as of May 2021) on the work and results achioeved by the UNICOM WPs for the eHMSEG communityPDF File
2021Second transatlantic meeting: First UNICOM resultsOn the 16th of November 2021, the CITADHL board organized the second trans-Atlantic workshop to introduce selected UNICOM work packages to US stakeholders. PDF File
2022Presentation of UNICOM to the Gravitate Health ConsortiumUNICOM has a priviledged relationship with the IMI project Gravitate Health which involves among others a large number of Pharma companies.PDF File
2022Scientific article published in APPLIED SCIENCE: How Granular Can a Dose Form Be Described? ConsideringEDQM Standard Terms for a Global TerminologyThe aim of the article is (1) to analyse the features of the EDQM terminology, (2) to formulate proposals for minor changes and (3) to create a small ontology of dose forms, based on characteristics of EDQM, and suitable for alignment with other dose form terminologiesPDF File
2022Medicinal Product Data Standardisation – Prerequisite for Efficient Data Exchange Between Stakeholders and Impact on the (Inter)National Health Systems: Experience from CroatiaThe National Medicinal ¨Products Agency of Croatia explains in details its migration journey to IDMPPDF File
2022EMA eAF Portal (DADI) guide to registration.The guide aims to support the users of the eAF Portal in completing the registration steps before accessing the platform. Most of these steps are independent from the eAF Portal and correspond to those to obtain registration to use other European Medicines Agency (EMA) systems, such as Management Services for Substances, Products, Organisation and Referentials (SPOR).PDF File
2022Scientific article published in International Journal of Medical Informatics
Volume 165, September 2022, 104826
Analyis of alignment of two standard terminologies for dosage form: RxNorm from the National Library of Medicine for the United States and EDQM from the European Directorate for the Quality in Medicines and Healthcare for Europe PDF File
2022UNICOM presentation during the IHE connecthaton in Montreux (14 Sept 2022)Those slides present the current status of the project and the link with IHE testing enviironmentPDF File
2022Relevance of EU-SRS to global IDMP implementation and the UNICOM clinical Pilots (F2F meeting of the expert Group of the EU-SRS (Sept))Those slides explain how an automated extraction of variables that are crucial for legacy conversion in the agencies ca be performed ( and avoid time-consuming pharmaco-archeology activities). PDF File
2022Slides prepared for the Substance Validation Group in September 2022The slides focus on Relevance of EU-SRS
to global IDMP implementation and
the UNICOM clinical Pilots
PDF File
2022HPRA presentation on June 26 FAMHP presentation on March 29th on its IDMP implementation journeyThe slides provide insightS into the strategy chosen by IRELAND to refactor its IT sytem to make it IDMP compliantPDF File
2022 UNICOM Presentation at EDQM September 27, 2022, Standard Terms Working Party, EDQM, Strasbourg
Those slides provide a complete analysis of EDQM as a global terminology for dose forms ,propose a few improvements and introduce a
proposal for an ontology of dose form
PDF File
2022MPA (Sweden) update of its IDMP implementation approachThe slides focus on Strategy, project management and development of IT-systems, alignment and use of RMS, alignment and use of OMS and MPA stepwise approach adaptation of IDMP PDF File
2022UNICOM presentation for EFPIA PVEG WGThose slides explain the relevance of the implementation of the IDMP standard for pharmacovigilance and were created to inform the EFPIA WG on phramacovigilancePDF File
2023UNICOM presentation in Paris for the HL7 Vulcan Accelerator days.Those slides focus more specifically on describing how IDMP and FHIR are the main ingerdients of the UNCOM wedding cake.PDF File
2023HALMED presentation on March 29th on its IDMP implementation journey The slides provide a clear insight into the strategy chosen by HALMED to refactor its IT sytem to make it IDMP compliant PDF File
2023FAMHP presentation on March 29th on its IDMP implementation journeyThe slides provide an overview of the IDMP GAP analysis perfomed in Belgium and explains how MPs data are integrated in a unique source used by end-users.PDF File
2023NoMA presentation on MaY 26th on update of SAFEST project, solutions for dose forms and PhPID generationThe slides provide an update of the SAFEST project which makes availlable IDMP MPs data to clinical practice, focus on solutions for dose forms representation in clinical practice and adresses the PhPHID generation in collaboration with WHO-UMCPDF File
2023UNICOM day during the IHE Connectathon in Rennes in september 2023The slides provide a comprehensive overview of the 5 UNICOM use cases selected: their current status- the connexion with other profiles - and the prospects.PDF File
2023Presentation on user-facing apps during UNICOM day IHE Connectathon in Rennes in September 2023The slides provide an overview of the user-facing appsPDF File
2023FIMEA presentation pn October 20 on its IDMP implementation journey.The slides provide an updated presentation on tne progress made to date by FIMEA to adapt its DB to make it IDMP compliant PDF File
2023Slides presnted to NOMA to present methodology to analyse IDMP data quality for clinical useThe focus is on the work on the minimal data set of Norvegian data in UNICOM and Barriers and facilitators to data quality in standardisation of drug dictionaries to IDMPPDF File
2023BfArM (Germany) presnetation on December 6 on its IDMP implementatioin journeyThe slides provide an updated presentation on tne progress made to date by BfArM to adapt its DB to make it IDMP compliant PDF File
2024I-HD presented on April 18 for a conglomerate of universities, tech and business schools, eager to build innovative implementations.The slides focus on IDMP implementation implications for electronic health records, prescribing, medical education, rational drug therapy PDF File
2024Webinar organised with Harvard to disseminate UNICOM results to a US audienceThe slides present the main results but also the main challenges of IDMP implementation in the USA and globally.PDF File
2024Presentation during the SNOMED Europe conference on MAy 22 The slides focus on the major co,ntribution that UNICOM can bring to the numerous projects which are preparing the EHDS imlementationPDF File
2024Slides used for the UNICOM handover to Industry workshopThe slides were prepared jointly by IHE-Europe and HL7 for the workshop held in COCIR premisesPDF File
2024Slides used for the DUODECIM conference in Groningen The slides explains the impact of IDMP for decision support systems such as DUODECILPDF File


OpenMedicine was a Horizon 2020 funded PHC, Grant agreement No.643796. UNICOM builds on the gaps recognized in OpenMedicine. Some relevant deliverables are listed below for reference as background material.
2016D1.3 Initial openMedicine infostructureThis deliverable’s goal is to present a multi standards framework that underpins solutions to identified issues in epSOS: the EU crossborder health data exchange specifications and its pilot results. In particular the identification of medicinal products and the attention to factors related to multiple contexts are addressed creating an infostructure, based on a multi standards framework.PDF File
2016D2.3 Final identifying and descriptive attributesThis deliverable’s goal is to present the final list of identifying and descriptive attributes of medicinal products. It also gives implementation recommendations based on the materials developed in other openMedicine deliverables. D2.3 has provided relevant input to D3.2, which will extend the attribute lists to special products.PDF File
2016D3.2 Identification and description of special productsThis report extends the solution towards supporting the identification and the description of such “special” products. Furthermore, it also presents the definition of alternative and complementary use cases where the unambiguous identification of such medicinal or/and pharmaceutical products is needed.PDF File
2016D4.1 Other descriptive needs, product administration and alternative treatmentsThis document presents clusters as a tool for grouping products with the same preselected attributes. It explores the concepts behind cluster formation and useful attributes which can help in a cross-border setting for such purpose.PDF File
2016D5.2 Meeting the substitution challenge: Member State regulations and core cross-border issues - results and recommendationsThis report reviews the initial openMedicine definitions of substitution and selection of a medicinal product at the point of dispensation in a community/retail pharmacy. the revised analytical framework concerning substitution and selection issues.PDF File
2016D6.3 Recommendations and Implementation RoadmapThis document presents some of the conclusions of the openMedicine project. Two high level and ten action-oriented recommendations are formulated. All of them, except one, address issues related to the univocal identification of a medicine when dispensing in a cross-border context an electronic prescription or when displaying a Patient Summary abroad. One recommendation addresses the issue of "substitution" in the EU.PDF File