Public Deliverables

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WP 01

D1.1 Gap Analysis of Existing and Need for New Standards and Profiles

WP 01

D1.2 Requirements for a new ISO logical model

WP 01

D1.5 ISO IDMP Handbook

WP 02

D2.1 Endorsed Implementation Plan for Substance Management

WP 04

D4.1: Austria: Progress report on implementation

WP 04

D4.2 ESTONIA: Progress report on implementation

WP 04

D4.3 Finland: Progress report on refactoring or new build of national IT systems, migration of national data, and data interfaces to EMA’s SPOR

WP 04

D4.4: Germany: Progress report on implementation

WP 04

D4.5: Ireland: Progress report on Implementation

WP 04

D4.6: Norway: Progress report on implementation

WP 04

D4.7: SPAIN: Annual progress report on refactoring the national IT system, migration of national data and data interfaces to EMA´s SPOR

WP 04

D4.8: Sweden: Progress report on factoring or new build of national IT systems, migration of national data, and data interfaces to EMA’s SPOR

WP 04

D4.9: Belgium progress report on refactoring of the internal AFMPS Medicinal Product databases, alignment with SPOR, and provision of IDMP compatible data feed for national eHealth organisations

WP 04

D4.10 Croatia: Progress report on refactoring or new build of national IT systems, migration of national data, and data interfaces to EMA’s SPOR

WP 04

D4.11: Portugal: Progress report on implementation

WP 05

D5.1: Business requirements for the adoption of IDMP in eHealth Services

WP 05

D5.2: Guidelines for IDMP-based Cross-Border ePrescription / eDispensation & Patient Summary

WP 08

D8.1: Report on the link between IDMP and Pharmacotherapeutic Groups and the Need for Medical Data in Pharmacotherapeutic Audit (M22)

WP 08

D8.3: Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for Proof of Concept Studies

WP 08

D8.7: IDMP Coding Principles and Guidance for ICSRs

WP 10

D10.1: Assessment Framework Socio-Economic Impact

WP 10

D10.4: Review report of the GDPR and other legal requirements

WP 12

D12.2: Dissemination approach & communication strategy

WP 06

D6.2: Implement the smart substitution components for eDispensation

WP 01

D1.3 Report on education and certification programs

WP 01

D1.6 Demonstrator

WP 02

D2.2 Guidance document on how MPDs should map to substance data

WP 03

D3.1 Gap and requirements analysis

WP 04

D4.14 ISO IDMP medicinal product data for cross-border pilots

WP 04

D4.16 Best-practise ISO IDMP workshops

WP 04

D4.17 Gap Analysis of CTS

WP 05

D5.3 Guidelines for cross-border semantic interoperability

WP 05

D5.4 Semantic Specifications

WP 05

D5.5 Technical specifications for cross-border services

WP 05

D5.6 Guidelines to implement IDMP in National eHealth Services

WP 05

D5.7 Common minimum data set for implementation in the national NCA and eHealth solutions

WP 05

D5.8 Liaison with EC MSs and stakeholders

WP 06

D6.1 UNICOM IDMP Data Base

WP 06

D6.3 Redesign and implementation of an enhanced IDMP compliant User Portal system and of an IDMP extended CDA display tool

WP 06

D6.4 eHDSI semantic components enhancements for IDMP

WP 07

D7.2 Proof of Concept demonstrator report

WP 08

D8.9 Procedures for use of IDMP in Personalised Medicine

WP 09

D9.1 An analysis of the IDMP medicinal product identification data provided by NCAs (and SPOR) compared to that needed in MPD for clinical care and for secondary uses

WP 09

D9.2 Implementation Guidance for Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) in Medicinal Product Dictionaries

WP 09

D9.4 IDMP Implementation guidance for pharmacy system suppliers (focus on patient medication list)

WP 10

D10.2 Interim report on cost benefit data collection

WP 10

D10.5: GDPR in the Pharmacy Setting

WP 12

D12.3 Annual Dissemination Report -V3