After the F2F Kick-off meeting in Bonn, work of the UNICOM project continued at an accelerating path, and a three-day workshop had been planned at the beginning of March. Many actors and stakeholders in the medicinal products domain are not yet fully aware of IDMP-related standards and how they can take advantage of them in their solutions for the benefit of health systems and healthcare. This workshop was planned as a first step towards creating a European community of expertise on the application and maintenance of IDMP and related standards by
- engaging with other work packages on education, application, tooling and testing of IDMP and related standards,
- leveraging feedback on needs and gaps identified, and thereby contributing to the development of appropriate supporting standards, profiles, tools and educational material,
- preventing isolated (non-standardised) implementation of IDMP-related standards.
Unfortunately, this workshop, which was critical for the fast-track start of related UNICOM work had to be cancelled at the ‘last minute’ in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Planning and preparation has already started to substitute this F2F exchange by appropriate webinars during the weeks to come, involving all the global experts expected to present and discuss with consortium members in Brussels.