Community of Expertise webinar upcoming on Friday, 2 October, 15-16 CET: “UNICOM – Gap Analysis about existing and new standards and profiles”

The bimonthly “Community of Expertise” interactive sessions are organised by UNICOM work package 1 “IDMP-related standards and terminologies.” The webinars discuss current IDMP topics and further issues related to the identification of medicinal products in regulatory and clinical contexts. The webinars are complemented by an extensive questions and comments section. The group of attendees is growing, so please make sure you register for this session as soon as possible to be able to actively participate (the link is provided below)

The 3rd webinar in the Community of Expertise series is dedicated to:
UNICOM – Gap Analysis about existing and new standards and profiles

The presenters will share with you the content and creation process of the deliverable, but also how this document will evolve and the role of SDO’s in addressing the gaps identified. We will look more in detail to a specific example.


  • Christian Hay (GS1 and ISO TC 215/WG6, Switzerland)
  • Robert Stegwee (CEN TC251, Netherlands)
  • Hugh Glover (HL7 International)

Moderators: Christian Hay and Robert Stegwee

ZOOM-link:  Please note that you are requested to register for this webinar using this link (please do so as soon as possible; if the number of attendees exceeds the maximum of 100, you will receive a link to follow the webinar in streaming mode on Youtube; that link will only be sent to registered participants).

Upon completing your registration you will automatically receive the ZOOM-link and password for this webinar. You are also invited to submit any questions/comment you have on the subject of IDMP and standards to the Community of Expertise that will be present via