Engaging with pharmacists in Athens

The UNICOM Day in Athens will take place on thursday 18th of January in the context of the HL7 Europe Working Group Meeting and FHIR Marathon. The session is organised by UNICOM and is hosted by IDIKA & Pharma Innovation Forum.

The workshop provides a summary of what the UNICOM project has learned about semantic and technical interoperability of IDMP, and encourages the participants to explore and test the potential of IDMP in different settings. The target audience is not restricted in any way – the discussions are designed to include the pharmacist view as well as a more technical view.

The first session of the event gives an overview of IDMP implementation on a national and crossborder level – showing the value of implementing IDMP as well as highlighting the challenges related to the forthcoming changes.

To facilitate planning and implementing IDMP-related changes, the second session focuses on testable specifications, test data, and testing platform. We will walk through the implementation enablers that were developed by UNICOM and IHE – from the specifications to the free, open source tooling and standards which allow everyone along their IDMP implementation journey. We will explore testing and prototyping, with these enablers – looking at sample data and setting up a simple testing environment.

The half-day ends with a workshop dedicated to substitution of medicinal products. This workshop allows the audience with different backgrounds to discuss together how to create a standard specification for finding equivalent and substitute products. The workshop starts with a demo of a UNICOM patient facing app that leverages substitution rules created in UNICOM. The following discussion is encouraged to put those rules to the test, and explore the potential of IDMP further.