282 people from 27 countries have participated to a public survey organized by UNICOM in February and March 2021 aiming at discovering what is important regarding patient care and empowerment when travelling outside one’s home country, specifically related to medicine.
The survey results demonstrate a high interest for the topic and its very relevance in a cross-border setting.
The 4 take home main messages of the survey are:
- Europeans are very keen to have tools to quickly, easily and safely check for drug-drug interactions and drug-allergy interactions in a cross border setting.
- Europeans agree that patient empowerment Apps related to medicine information, such as those described in this survey are important, could improve safety and reduce risk in decision making when abroad.
- Europeans have a high expectation that public health systems are investing in providing these tools, or should be.
- In the absence of health systems providing these tools, a little less than half are willing to pay for them, granted that they are trustworthy, effective, safe, secure and GDPR compliant.
You want to know more?
Have a look at the full results of the survey