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HL7 EuroVulcan Conference and Connecthaton

March 14, 2023 - March 15, 2023


HL7  FHIR® is the communication standard for exchanging healthcare data being adopted worldwide. Past announcements from the FDA and current developments by the European Union (EHDS, EMA) and important and strategic projects such as UNICOM and Gravitate Health all prioritize the IDMP suite of standards as global reference and FHIR as underlying data transmission standard. UNICOM is also making specific efforts in order to increase the level of knowledge of FHIR® within National Competent Authorities in Europe.

In March 2023, Vulcan will host its first meeting in Paris with two separate tracks: 1) a semainar track to introduce the aims and principles of Vulcan ad to introduce attendees to the benefits of FHIR within Clinical Reserach and 2) a technical conectathon style track.

UNICOM is one of the six projects with which Vulcan has established a direct collaboration and three implementation guidelines have been produced to date.


March 14, 2023
March 15, 2023
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