Join our next Community of Expertise on June 29TH on Cross-border ePrescription

Summer is at our doors and many of us begin to think about travelling abroad. The next UNICOM Community of Expertise is scheduled on Tuesday 29 June 2021 and will thus focus on the very use case of people travelling across countries providing insights on the current experiences and projects aiming at cross-border information sharing for ePrescribing

You will learn what UNICOM is expected to contribute in order to make this service truly operational and reliable: The implementation of IDMP across Europe provides important opportunities for the improvement of cross-border services, such as ePrescription. UNICOM is tasked with elaborating these opportunities into change proposals for the MyHealth@EU services as provided by the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI). In this Community of Expertise we will present on the current standards, terminologies and processes for cross-border services and our progress in developing change proposals to make optimal use of the IDMP implementation. We also provide a platform for discussion on the way forward.

Participation is open to everybody but preliminary registration is requested. 

Register for this event  

Subject: Cross-border ePrescription: standards, terminologies and processes: the UNICOM input. 

Date: Tuesday 29 June 2021 

Time: 3:00 – 4:30 pm CEST 


Anderson Carmo (UNICOM- SMPS Portugal) 

Alexander Berler (UNICOM – GNOMON Greece) 

Marcello Melgara (UNICOM – REGLOM Italy) 


Christoph Gessner (eHDSI Member State Expert Group)

José Costa Teixeira (UNICOM WP 1 and IHE Pharmacy)


Esther Peelen (UNICOM WP1- NICTIZ) 

Robert Stegwee (UNICOM WP1- CEN TC 251)