The Unicom Test Lab
Looking across the landscape of IDMP implementation, the UNICOM project aims to develop the following testing scenarios as part of the UNICOM Test Lab:
Submission of variations
When a pharmaceutical company needs to apply for market authorization for a variation of an already authorized medicinal product, how can a FHIR/IDMP-compliant exchange of information with the appropriate national competent authority (NCA) support such an application?
Updates to the NCPeH product database
When changes to the national list of authorized medicinal products are published by the local NCA, how can a FHIR/IDMP-compliant exchange of information facilitate the updates in the product database for cross-border ePrescribing and Dispensing, as needed by the National Contact Point for eHealth (NCPeH)?
Updates to the MPD
When changes to the national list of authorized medicinal products are published by the local NCA, how can a FHIR/IDMP-compliant exchange of information facilitate the updates in the local Medicinal Product Dictionaries (MPDs)? And how are they made available to the variety of clinical systems using the MPD data?
Including substitution in eDispensation
How does the local pharmacy apply substitution rules, based on the CDA/IDMP-compliant data in a cross-border ePrescription, and communicate the actual dispensed medication back in the CDA/IDMP-compliant dispensation record?
Product lookup for patient facing apps
How can a patient use a FHIR/IDMP-compliant multilanguage representation of over-the-counter (OTC) medication to safely substitute their common medication by the locally available brand, checking for intolerances and interactions?