As part of its dissemination strategy, UNICOM has decided to focus on a number of EU countries not officially present in the consortium.
This is the case of the Greek National Agency and UNICOM has thus seized the opportunity of the 4th Symposium of Pharmacoepidemiology, which took place on the 20th of April 2021, to raise awareness about the benefits to take IDMP on board and have it placed on the working agenda of competent authorities.
The conference recorded 473 participants and 120 of them attended the UNICOM online session. All segments of the value chain were present among the attendees: National Competent Authorities (NCAs), Health Ministry, Payors, Healthcare providers and professionals , Patients associations, academics and researchers, Scientific Organizations and Pharma and IT Industry.
The session was chaired by IDIKA, the National Competence Center for Social Security in Greece. UNICOM partners EHTEL and GNOMON have delivered key messages to the audience highlighting the importance of a national roadmap for IDMP adoption. While many examples related to pharmacovigilance, research or decision support were provided, the cross-border ePrescription scenario was described with more details.
The session was hold in Greek, yet the slides are in English and its recording is available online.