UNICOM is currently running a survey about existing patient-facing web portals and mobile health Apps and trusted sources of medicine information in different EU member states with a focus on the key issues of safety and value for patients/citizens.
Are you or is someone you know an expert…
– in a role supplying trustworthy health and medicine information to the public?
– who works in a regulatory or public health agency, eHealth community, in healthcare, in Pharma, or partake in scientific or market research related to health?
– who may have any knowledge about patient-facing digital health apps in an EU member state?
If so, we invite you to participate in this survey. The results will help UNICOM’s Patient Empowerment team to understand the current situation for such patient digital health services in each country, and will be used as evidence in decision making during the project.
Please use the link below to fill in the survey by May 31, 2020:
You are not obliged to complete every question, just the ones that you know. You will not be the only respondent from your country therefore you don’t have to be comprehensive. Your responses will be treated in accordance with GDPR.
We are very happy to have your contribution!