COMITE EUROPEEN DE COORDINATION DES INDUSTRIES RADIOLOGIQUES ELECTROMEDICALES ET D INFORMATIQUE DE SANTE AISBL Founded as a non-profit trade association in 1959, COCIR represents the Radiological, Electro medical and Healthcare IT industry in Europe. As such, our members play a driving role in developing the future of healthcare both in Europe and worldwide. COCIR is committed to supporting its members and communicating with its partners in Europe and beyond on issues which affect the medical technology sector and the health of EU citizens. COCIR also works with various organisations promoting harmonised international standards and fair regulatory control that respects the quality and effectiveness of medical devices and healthcare IT systems without compromising the safety of patients and users. We encourage the use of advanced technology to support healthcare delivery worldwide. COCIR’s key objectives include promoting free worldwide trade of medical devices and maintaining the competitiveness of the European health sector.