IHTSDO, trading as SNOMED International, is a not-for-profit organisation that owns, administers and develops SNOMED CT. SNOMED CT is a clinical terminology created by a range of healthcare specialists to support clinical decision-making and analytics and SNOMED International works to ensure that SNOMED CT can be routinely integrated into healthcare information systems so that the different healthcare professionals can record patient data more accurately and comprehensively and then use tools and analytics to provide better patient care and health management.
In addressing this scope, a key element is supporting EHR content in a way that enables clinicians to enter data once and for it to be used for a number of purposes. Key is linking information in the EHR at the point of care to that needed for regulation, pharmacovigilance, post market surveillance etc. Therefore SNOMED International will ensure that content meets the need of the use cases identified in this project and will work with others in the project to ensure a linkage to IDMP with which SNOMED CT is compliant, having done major updates to its model and content over the last 3 years.