In the context of the UNICOM testlab, we tried to analyze in more details the data-availability from pharmaceutical companies and the data-needs of regulators, MPD’s and clinicians.

The main goal was to work on the Medicinal Products National Competent Authorities -> Medicinal Products Dictionaries usecase and to expose the problems in interoperability so that it understandable for a wider audience.

We thus tried doing this by gamifying the problem. The game is avaialble here

In this game the player is asked to find the right substitute for a medication. In the first few slides the player has SmPC data, which makes finding the right substitute cumbersome and induces uncertainty and risk.

In the middle of the slides the same question is asked, but now with having IDMP-standards implemented. This makes finding the right substitute faster and decreases uncertainty in decision making.

In the last few slides I have introduced a graphical representation of the IDMP-components, which reduces the time spent and the uncertainty even further.