The next UNICOM Community of Expertise is scheduled on Friday 26 August 2022:
In collaboration with the Gravitate Health project and the Vulcan Accelerator ePI project, UNICOM has contributed to a track at the May HL7 FHIR Connectathon. The scenario being developed was on a travelling lady needing treatment to a recurring condition, for which she knows which medication is effective in her home country. In addition to finding an equivalent medicinal product available locally (the UNICOM demonstrator case) she also wants to access the pertinent electronic product information (ePI) in her own language (the Gravitate Health case). This requires careful and safe navigation across the respective national identifiers of the medicinal products involved, using the global linkage between them. This session highlights the choices and discussions taking place on the FHIR resources to be used and the services to be developed for these purposes.
Presenters: Esther Peelen (UNICOM WP 1, Nictiz)
Craig Anderson (Gravitate Health, Vulcan, Pfizer)
Leonora Grandia (UNICOM WPs 8 and 9, Z-Index)
Giorgio Cangioli (UNICOM WP 1, HL7 Europe)
Panelists: Jens Villadsen (Gravitate Health, HL7 Europe, Trifork)
Hugh Glover (UNICOM FHIR IDMP Server, Vulcan, Blue Wave Informatics)
Rik Smithies (EMA FHIR Consultant, Vulcan, NProgram)
José Costa Teixeira (UNICOM WPs 1 and 6, IHE Pharmacy)
Moderators: Christian Hay (UNICOM WP 1, ISO/TC 215 WG6)
Robert Stegwee (UNICOM WP 1, CEN/TC 251)
You can register with the following link: