Latest Past Events

Putting resources developed by UNICOM to the test: Preparing the UNICOM IHE Connecthathon


This webinar is targeted at all European NCAs, eHealth competence centers and Industry (EMR, MPDs, HCP and Patient facing Apps). It will present and discuss the approach porposed by IHE to test and validate IDMP data (using UNICOM resources). The result of this webinar will feed the content of the IHE hacktathon which will take […]

UNICOM day IHE Connectathon in Rennes


In the context of the IHE-Europe Connectathon WEEK 2023 | Connectathon in Rennes France and in parrallel to the French eHealth week. Looking across the landscape of IDMP implementation, the UNICOM project aims to develop the following testing scenarios as part of the UNICOM Test Lab: • Submission of variations When a pharmaceutical company needs […]

UNICOM Community of Expertise: Putting UNICOM ressources to the test


Across the UNICOM project we have been actively developing a number of standards-based resources, including FHIR Implementation Guides, a Product Lifecycle Management portal (with EMA), an IDMP database, a substitution service for cross-border dispensation, and a few patient facing apps with dedicated API’s to access medicinal product information (with Gravitate Health). These resources are meant […]