The Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea is the national competent authority for regulating pharmaceuticals. As a central administrative agency operating under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health it promotes the […]

AUTORIDADE NACIONAL DO MEDICAMENTO E PRODUTOS DA SAUDE IP (Infarmed) is a Government agency accountable to the Health Ministry, that evaluates, authorises, regulates and controls human medicines as well as […]

The Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA) is the Norwegian National Competent Authority (NCA) responsible for regulation and surveillance of the development, manufacturing and marketing of drugs and other medicinal products. Our […]

OSTERREICHISCHE AGENTUR FUR GESUNDHEIT UND ERNAHRUNGSSICHERHEIT GMBH (AGES) Medicines & Medical Devices business segment (AGES MEA) of the AGES company is responsible for a wide variety of tasks in the […]

The Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) is the independent regulator of health products in Ireland. Our role is to protect and enhance public and animal health. We do this by […]

The Medicines Evaluation Board Agency (agentschap College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen, in short: CBG-MEB) supports an independent Board in their tasks to evaluate and monitor the efficacy and quality of […]