Regione Lombardia General Directorate for Welfare is responsible for healthcare policy design, implementation and delivery to its 10 million citizens. The General Directorate for Health holds the regulatory and administrative […]


Junta de Andalucía

Servicio Andaluz de Salud-SAS (the Andalusian Health Service) is a public body providing all healthcare services to the 8.4 million inhabitants in Andalusia. It is an autonomous “arms-length” organisation, attached […]


The role and function of the Department of Health of the Republic of Ireland is to provide strategic leadership for the health service and to ensure that Government policies for […]


Servicos Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde

Servicos Partilhados do Ministerio de Saude (SPMS) is the Health Ministry‘s central purchasing and IT authority. It is a public enterprise created in 2010, functioning under the guardianship of the […]